
From the Barmore Family.....

Dear Card Sharks Players,

            We would like to extend our thanks for your support during our grieving for our loss as well as your loss. While he departed so suddenly, we are sure Dennis is looking upon us guiding us.

            We would like to also thank the Clark family for opening their home for that warm family setting for the memorial for Dennis. We appreciate all the wonderful gifts as well as monetary gifts that were bestowed upon us.  We are extremely grateful for all that the card family has expressed to our family through these very difficult times.

            We also would like to express why we choose a private ceremony for Dennis. We had to share this with you.  There were so many legal obstacles to climb just to have him released to us. We were completely overwhelmed and did not want to add more confusion by involving his extended family from all across the country. We asked not to give out our information because we had no answers. We knew there would be so many questions and, until the legal issues were resolved, we simply could not answer. We had no choice but to have the private ceremony because we had no idea as to when he would be released to the funeral home.  Not to mention he was deceased for some time before found.  This may seem strange or odd, but it wasn’t uncommon not to hear from him for weeks at a time due to his regular travels. We were absolutely heartbroken.  It was certainly not our intent to alienate the card family in doing so.  Please understand that we did what we thought was best.

            Since we knew you were planning a memorial, we decided to immediately proceed with a memorial service and attend the card family memorial. We didn’t want you all to incur a lot of last minute expenses.  Also, we thought that would be a friendly atmosphere where we can meet with each other and get to know the people we heard so much about.  We are extremely grateful for all that Nannette (Nessie) Case has done for our family.  In fact, she was the one who was determined to find him and informed us of his passing.   

We are still in the process of handling all of the legal work.  So please continue to pray for us as we get through this also. We thank all of you guys for all your sympathy cards and prayers for us as well as the trust fund you are establishing for Devin Jones (grandson). But most of all thank you for keeping his dream and his name alive and supporting the tournaments in the future. Thank you Thank you.


                                                                                    THE BARMORE FAMILY

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